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Kelli Russel Agodon Biography

Kelli Russell Agodon is an American poet who was born in Seattle, Washington, in 1969. She was educated at the University of Washington and Pacific Lutheran University's Rainier Writers Workshop. She lives in a small seaside community with her husband and daughter in the Northwest. 

She has published many books and poetry collections. Her work, which has appeared in magazines and journals, is influenced by Sylvia Plath, William Carlos Williams, Jane Kenyon, and Denise Levertov. She also uses humour in her work since her favourite essays, memoirists and fiction writers tend to use it, too. She has received two Washington State Artist Trust GAP grants, a Puffin Foundation grant, The James Hearst Poetry Prize, the William Stafford Award, the Lohmann Prize, and the Carlin Aden Award for formal verse.

Affected by the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, she decided to work towards peace: thus she worked as the Regional Coordinator for Poets for Peace, organizing the "Poets for Peace: Mission 9/11" readings for Washington State to raise money for the American Red Cross. She continued her work by editing the Poetry Broadside Series: The Making of Peace and she is the co-editor for Seattle's literary journal, Crab Creek Review with Annette Spaulding-Convy. She is also the co-founder of the Two Sylvias Press, named after Sylvia Plath.